the little things

One day you notice it doesn’t seem so hard anymore.

A scary, confusing dream, but you didn’t wake up shaking in sweat, in terror.

A train ride with your boss and you find yourself overwhelmed by gratitude that you get to work with and learn from such wonderful, kind, talented people.

A morning yoga class when you realize you’ve actually learned some of the poses and oh it’s so much easier to be mindful when you aren’t confused about what body part goes where.

A jog through the park because it feels good, not because it’s the only way to make your day okay.

Drinking a beer with your roommate on Friday night because it’s comfortable to be home and spend time together after a hectic week.

Home feels safe.

Buying a holiday gift for a friend, not because you feel obligated to give, but because you know she’ll love it.

The holidays bring up a lot but, when you’re ready, you let yourself feel joyful and celebrate with others.

Tomorrow you are saying goodbye to a dear friend who played an irreplaceable role in healing from last year’s trauma. She was the first person you felt a real connection to in months and it felt safe to be yourself around her. You know you’re probably never going to see her again, but you know you’ll hold each other in your hearts. You’ve cried– and you’ll continue to cry– but you know this ending is an opportunity to say goodbye. You do not take this opportunity for granted.

You call your mom on the phone this weekend because you feel grounded in your Self.

You light a candle tonight and feel grateful.

One day you notice it doesn’t seem so hard anymore.

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